About Us
My Journey started whilst working as a primary teacher. I was always burnout with the workload and having to take care of my sick baby boy. Even though, my employer was supportive, I was juggling the workload and caring for my boy which was exhausting. I ended up leaving my career as a teacher to be with my baby boy full time and putting my well-being first.
Whilst at home, I would look for natural ways to elevate my mood but found that a lot of products did not use natural ingredients which is harmful to your health and having to care for my sick baby boy I was not willing to take this chance by putting him at risk. However, I found using a few drops of essential oils would uplift my mood which then gave me that light bulb moment. The search for natural products helped me to create AMÓ Naturals.
AMÓ Naturals uses all natural ingredients that helps to bring a little bit of well-being into your day. From candles to bath products all products are clean and cruelty free.